Professional landscape contractors based in Yorkshire, serving Corporate and commercial customers Nationwide.


We offer a wide selection of turf, and offer advice on which is the most suitable for your situation and requirements.

The range includes basic utility turf up to the highest quality display turf, at prices to suit all budgets.

Several of the turfs we offer are supplied by Rolawn. In addition to being of the highest quality, Rolawn is much lighter turf, which makes it easier to handle and lay. We offer both Medallion and Minster Pro turfs, the most suitable will depend on your intended use. Rolawn Turf is suitable for all applications, including hardwearing utility turf, sports turf, bowling greens and lower usage decorative turf. To find out more about Rolawn

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    James Chadwick & Sons Limited


    Hillycroft Nurseries Back Lane
    New Farnley Leeds
    West Yorkshire
    LS12 5HN